Postdoctoral position to study cortical circuitry underlying memory-guided visual decisions is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Tatiana Pasternak in the Department of Neuroscience (

The focus of the research program is on the activity of large populations of simultaneously recorded neurons across cortical network to identify on a trial-by-trial basis neural codes and network dynamics that underlie memory and comparison processes during perceptual decisions. The analysis will emphasize inter-neuronal and inter-areal interactions and synchrony as well as population decoding algorithms.

Experimental approaches include array recording of spiking and LFP activity from prefrontal and extrastriate visual cortical regions of non-human primates during memory-guided sensory comparison tasks. Other approaches include reversible inactivation and microstimulation of identified cortical sites. An important component of the work is a collaboration with computational neuroscientists and developing models aimed at mechanisms underlying maintenance and utilization of visual information in decision-making.

Preference will be given to candidates with strong quantitative background with experience in the analysis of physiological data and extracellular recordings. Applicants with strong background in related disciplines of systems neuroscience and/or computer science & engineering are welcome to apply. Experience with MATLAB/PYTHON programming and proficient knowledge of the English language are required.

The University of Rochester offers a stimulating research environment and excellent opportunities for interactions and training in cognitive neuroscience and visual science. Interested applicants should send CV and names/contact information of three references to Dr. Pasternak. Please include a cover letter detailing your current research activities, expertise and the reasons for your interest in this position.


The Weizmann Institute of science – Postdoctoral Positionin Computational and Experimental Cognitive Neuroscience

Faculty: Faculty of Biology

Department: Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of science

The human brain evolved in a highly stimulating, complex and fast-changing world. Thus, uncovering the neural substrates of operating in naturalistic contexts represents a huge challenge for brain researchers.

Our goal here is to study the coupling dynamicsbetween brain regions during real-life stimuli, and its underlying cognitive capacities. In particular, we are aiming at deciphering the function of the Default-mode network states during real-life stimuli and its relation to memory (information) encoding.

The post-doctorate project will involve initial “big-data” analysis (including machine/deep learning tools) of existing fMRI data-sets during real-life cognition, and a second phase of conducting fMRI experiments using a powerful 7T MRI scanner for humans (starting from mid-2018) atthe Weizmann.

The position is for one year starting at Oct 2017. Following a positive evaluation, the appointment could be extended up to 3 years.


Strong computational, analytical and programming skills

Experience with fMRI and experimental work is an advantage.

Computational/engineering/physics background and programming experience are preferable.

Ability of teamwork and initiative.

Knowledge of professional English at a high level.

Details of Contact Person for Position:

The work will take place at the Lab of Prof Rafi Malach (Weizmann institute of science) and will be supervised directly by Dr. Erez Simony from Holon Institute of technology (HIT) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Prof. Rafi Malach will act as an advisor to this project.

How to apply:

Interested candidates with proven academic record are requested to send their CV and contact details of 3 referees toDr. Erez Simony (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )


The group of Prof. Daniel Palanker at Stanford University is inviting applicants for a postdoctoral fellowship to work on several approaches to restoration of sight in rodent models of retinal degeneration. One approach involves transplantation of photoreceptors, and the other – photovoltaic subretinal prosthesis. Experiments related to both approaches are already ongoing, animal models are available, and results are very encouraging. Both approaches involve subretinal implantation, electrophysiology (ERG and VEP), and behavioral experiments.  We are looking for a person trained in retinal biology to join the group.

The successful candidate should have a background in the following areas: retinal biology, electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry. Candidates need to have, or be in the final stages of completing, a Ph.D degree. To apply, send a letter indicating your qualifications, current C.V. with educational background, degree dates, research experience, publications and conference presentations.  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.


Subject areas: retinal biology, cell transplantation, retinal degeneration, electrophysiology

אם חינוך וחינוך מדעי מאתגרים אותך,

אם תחום מדעי המוח מרתק אותך,

אם קידום אוכלוסיות שונות ותמיכה בהשתלבותם בעולם המדעי האקדמי הם השליחות שלך, מכון דוידסון לחינוך מדעי, הזרוע החינוכית של מכון ויצמן, מפעיל תוכנית לבגרות של 5 יחידות במדעי המוח.

במסגרת התכנית, תלמידים מכל רחבי הארץ לומדים קורסים במדעי המוח בכיתה וירטואלית, משלבים מפגשים במכון ויצמן, מבצעים מחקרים ונחשפים לחזית המחקר בתחום.

דרישות התפקיד
הכרה בחשיבות הנושא, מחויבות ומוטיבציה
יכולת הובלת כיתה ויחסי אנוש מעולים
Ph.D. או תואר שני במדעי המוח.

עדיפות לבעלי ניסיון הוראה.

התחייבות לשנה.

תחילת העבודה – 8/2017

המשרה מיועדת לנשים וגברים כאחד

רק פניות מתאימות תעננה.

למשלוח קורות חיים This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences at Ben-Gurion University is seeking to fill tenure-track, open rank, faculty position, with a start date of October 1, 2018. We are seeking candidates interested in an interdisciplinary approach to brain and cognition, whose research program focuses on one or more of the following areas:  Philosophy of cognitive science  Psycholinguistics and/or neurolinguistics  Cognitive neuroscience  Computational modeling of cognitive capacities Applications will be considered based on merit, priority will be given to applicants with a research program in Philosophy or Linguistic. Successful individuals are expected to establish, and independently fund a research program that synergizes with the interests of other members of the cognitive and brain science communities at BGU, and to contribute to the teaching and administrative efforts in the department. Applications should be submitted by e-mail to Prof. Galia Avidan, Department Chair, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In the subject line of the email please write ‘Application to Tenure track position – Cognitive and Brain Sciences Department’. Applicants should include a curriculum vitae, description of research and teaching interests, selected reprints and arrange for three letters of recommendation. Applications must be received electronically or postmarked by November 1 st, 2017.

Project: Biological mechanisms of social interaction

Starting time: fall 2017 (or before)

We are looking for applicants with a strong interest in the biological mechanisms of social interaction, for a project focusing on affect dynamics and physiology in two-person contexts. The lab is equipped with state of the art equipment for measuring dyadic physiology and behavior. The position is now open and will be filled as soon as appropriate candidates are selected. The primary responsibilities of the fellow include:

1) development of novel experimental paradigms with a focus on naturalistic interpersonal setups.

2) analysis of physiological (ANS and EMG) data.

3) management of a large-sample data collection.

4) advanced data analysis and manuscript preparation.

5) mentoring undergraduate projects.

Requirements: We are looking for a productive researcher with a PhD and a proven record in biological psychology/neuroscience. Priority will be given to candidates with strong computational skills, experience with Matlab programming and other experimental software. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

Candidates should send a CV and cover letter to Dr. Yulia Golland (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), as well as names of three persons available for references. Please include “postdoctoral fellowship” in the subject line of any correspondence. The cover letter should include a summary of the candidate’s research interests to date and a statement of future research interests.

The Charles E. Smith Family and Prof. Joel Elkes Laboratory for Collaborative Research in Psychobiology (Neurobiology/Neuroscience)

The Charles E. Smith family and Prof. J. Elkes laboratory for collaborative research in psychobiology (neurobiology/neuroscience) opened two postdoctoral positions for electrophysiologists to study neuronal properties and neuronal circuits in genetically-modified mouse models with impaired brain development and function. The highly sophisticated laboratory is located within the Life science Institute, adjacent to the Brain Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel (HUJI). The academic environment offers a vibrant community covering the field of neuroscience at multiple levels, ranging from the molecular, cellular, and electrophysiological to cognition.

The first project, entitled “The timing mechanisms in the cerebellum as a drug target for autism spectrum disorders (ASD)” will be carried out under the supervision of Prof. S. Shifman (HUJI), an expert on the genetic basis of ASD; Prof. Y. Yarom (HUJI) who studied cerebellar timing mechanisms, Prof. Inna Slutsky (Tel Aviv University) expert in cellular neurophysiology/biophysics and Prof. Y. Kohn, a child psychiatrist expert in ASD treatments (director of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department in Eitanim Psychiatric Hospital). The working hypothesis is that at least some symptoms of ASD arise from malfunctions in the brain’s timing mechanism that resides in the cerebellar module. Accordingly, the research will be focused on identify the changes in cerebellar circuit and neuronal properties and examining possible therapeutic interventions.

The second project, titled: “Cellular and electrophysiological study of the mechanisms underlying severe congenital dyskinesia and dystonia using a novel mouse model” will be carried out under the supervision of Prof. N. Ben-Arie (HUJI), an expert on development of the nervous system; Prof. D. Gitler (Ben Gurion University) expert electrophysiologist/biophysics, Prof. Y. Yarom (HUJI) expert electrophysiologists, Prof. A. Lev Tov (HUJI) faculty of Med. expert on spinal cord neurophysiology and Dr. Arkadir (clinical neurology, Hadassah). The working hypothesis is that a mouse model of severe dystonia suffers from a disruption to the function of midbrain dopmineric neurons and/or their targets. Thus, the research will focus on identifying the abnormalities in the molecular, cellular and electrophysiological integrity of the brain in the sick mice.

Job description: The Laboratory is seeking applicants holding a Ph.D. or equivalent degree or are expected to graduate within a few months and have extensive research experience in electrophysiology, particularly in whole cell patch recording in in-vitro preparation.

The positions are open and will be filled as soon as appropriate candidates are selected. Scholarships are secured for 2 years.

Applications should be emailed to: Prof. M. E. Spira at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

תיאור התפקיד:

ניהול מעבדה אלקטרופיזיולוגית\ אופטוגנטית\ התנהגותית.
-אחריות לכל הצד המנהלתי : הזמנות, תחזוקת מכשור, חומרים ותמיסות ובטיחות וגהות
- ניהול פרוטוקולים.
- אחריות על חיות המעבדה – רישום, מעקב , genotyping.
-ניהול פרויקטים
-הדרכת סטודנטים
-ניהול מחקר עצמאי

דרישות תפקיד:

תואר שני\דוקטורט בנוירוביולוגיה, פסיכוביולוגיה,או תחום רלוונטי בחקר המוח.
ניסיון של שנתיים לפחות בעבודה במעבדה אלקטרופיזיולוגית \פסיכוביולוגית.
רקע טכני בהקמת מערכות ניסוי
עדיפות לניסיון בעבודה אלקטרופיזיולוגית בחיות מתנהגות.
עדיפות לנסיון בGenotyping של עכברים טרנסגניים.
ידע וניסיון בעבודה עם מערכות ממוחשבות ותוכנות רלוונטיות
(Matlab, Office, illustrator, ImageJ, Plexon offline sorter )
יכולת ניהול צוות
תקשורת בין אישית טובה

המשרה היא משרת עובד אוניברסיטה ב50% משרה עם אופציה עתידית להגדלת אחוזי המשרה ב"כסף רך" (כספי מענקי מחקר).

לפרטים נוספים ושליחת קורות חיים מועמדים מתאימים מוזמנים ליצור קשר עם ד"ר עודד קלויר באימייל This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..