Postdoctoral position in Neurobiology at University of Haifa
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to carry out a research project aiming to study the roles of Eph receptors in synaptic plasticity and memory formation. Toward that end, the successful applicant will utilize state-of-the-art molecular and cellular techniques and behavioral approaches including optogenetic (e.g. Alapin et al., Cell Reports, 2018).
Basic qualifications
- A recent PhD degree in neuroscience, molecular/cell biology or related fields.
- Experience in the following areas is desired: two-photon imaging/uncaging (e.g. imaging of dendritic spines, calcium imaging, glutamate uncaging), slice electrophysiology.
- High level of motivation and independence and the ability to think critically are expected.
An application package, including a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications and names of 2-3 referees, should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof. Raphael Lamprecht
Sagol Department of Neurobiology,
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
PhD candidate position is available at the Neuroimmunological laboratory at Rambam Healthcare Campus
PhD candidate position is available at the Neuroimmunological laboratory at Rambam Healthcare Campus, lead by Dr. Ayal Rozenberg and managed by Dr. Dina Safina. Our main research focus is investigation of the mechanisms underlying multiple sclerosis (MS) pathophysiology in vitro, using patient-derived cells. We study different aspects of MS pathogenesis, which include: mitochondrial impairment; cross-talk between innate and adaptive immunity upon drug administration; cellular dynamics during pregnancy and postpartum. The research will be conducted in collaboration with Prof. Dorit Ben-Shahar and Prof. Nathi Karin at the Faculty of Medicine, Technion.
We are looking for a motivated, responsible, flexible and creative team member, who is ready to participate in method establishing and project shaping. Advantage will be given to candidates experienced in cell culture, flow cytometry, routine biochemical techniques, molecular biology and data analysis. Background in immunology, cell biology and neuroscience is welcome.
To apply, please send your CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Multiple Postdoctoral positions in Parkinson’s Disease research
We are seeking highly motivated candidatesto fill several postdoctoral positions in the framework of the recently funded Horizon 2020 AND-PD research initiative.
The project focuses on the investigation of the causative mechanisms involved in co-morbidities linking Parkinson’s Disease with Anxiety and Depression.
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is clinically categorized as movement disorder. However, approximately 40% of the PD patients experience comorbid anxietyand depression, which are complex mental conditions recognized as the leading cause of disability worldwide, and one of the strongest predictors of quality of life in PD. Their relationship and pathophysiology are, however, poorly understood.
To investigate the neuronal substrates of anxiety and depression in PD, the international consortium builds on the experience of the partners working at the intersection between basic research and biomedical applications. The successful candidates will perform a programme of pre-clinical research using established disease animal models, multiscale neuronal circuit investigation, behavioral, molecular and cellular omics analyses.
We are looking for candidates with one of the following
- Expertise in neurophysiological and optogenetics ex-vivo and/or in-vivo combined with viral-based approaches to deconstruct and manipulate neuronal circuits, together with confocal microscopy, is a mandatory prerequisite. Previous experience with calcium imaging will be highly valued.
4 positions, respectively at
- Neuromodulation of Cortical and Subcortical Circuits Laboratory (Raffaella Tonini;
- Dopamine and neuronal assemblies Group (Francois Georges;
- Silberberg Lab (Gilad Silberberg;
- Laboratory of the Cellular Physiology of Neurodegenerative Diseases (Josh Goldberg;
- Expertise in the generation, molecular characterization and behavioural analysis of mouse models of Parkinson’s disease. The candidate should have extensive knowledge of stereotaxic surgery, and competence in the assessment of motor, and affective functions in naive and transgenic mice. Experience in immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy will be an important additional merit.
1 position: Laboratory of Molecular Neuropharmacology (Gilberto Fisone;
- Expertise in neurophysiology, biochemistry and molecular biology applied to viral-based mice models of Parkinson’s disease aimed to explore key molecular determinants of neuronal dysfunction and cell death. Experience with mouse stereotaxic surgery, immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy is mandatory
1 position: Neurobiology of the Basal Ganglia group (Rosario MoratallaVillalba;
- Expertise in single-cell transcriptomics. The candidate should have extensive experience in RNA-seq analysis of gene expression. Bioinformatic skills are welcome. Experience in handling transgenic mice and brain tissues will add an important merit.
1 position: Non-coding RNAs and RNA-based therapeutics group (Stefano Gustincich;
The successful candidates will work in cutting-edge and highly collaborative research environments, and they will have the opportunity to train in the different laboratories of the research consortium to develop specific project tasks.
Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in either Physiology, Physics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscienceor related subjects, and have excellent written and verbal English communication skills. Applicants are expected to have a strong research track record and to be highly independent.
Salary will be commensurate to qualifications and experience and in line with international standards.
Applications, including detailed curriculum vitae, cover letter with indication of the targeted laboratories, and name and contacts of 2 referees, should be submitted in PDF format toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.quoting “AND-PD Postdoctoral position” in the subject line.
Deadline 27th of January; short-list notification by the 1st of February; interview by TC on the 7th of February.
דרוש/ה חוקר/ת בכיר/ה במעבדה לפסיכונוירואימונולוגיה באוניברסיטה העברית
המעבדה לפסיכונוירואימונולוגיה באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים היא מהמובילות בעולם במחקר של הקשרים בין מערכת החיסון, המח ותהליכים ריגשיים וקוגניטיביים. המעבדה מתמקדת בחקר המעורבות של תהליכים דלקתיים ושל פעילות תאי מיקרוגליה במח במחלות נוירו-פסיכיאטריות, כולל דיכאון ומחלות נוירודגנרטיביות (ראו אתר המעבדה
למעבדה דרוש/ה חוקר/ת בכיר/ה שישתלב/תשתלב בהובלת פרויקט מחקר ופיתוח של תרופות חדשניות למחלות נוירו-פסיכיאטריות
דרישות התפקיד:
תואר דוקטור במדעי המח, נוירואימונולוגיה, אימונולוגיה או תחום קרוב
ניסיון מחקרי משמעותי ויכולת להוביל מחקר עצמאי ויצירתי
ניסיון במדידת ביטוי גנים (RT-PCR, RNA-Seq)
ניסיון באיפיון תאים של מערכת החיסון
ניסיון באימונוהיסטוכימיה
ניסיון מחקרי שקשור לתהליכים דלקתיים, כולל מדידת ריכוזי ציטוקינים ומרקרים דלקתיים אחרים, עבודה עם תרביות תאים, ומודלים של תהליכים דלקתיים בחיות ניסוי
ניסיון בעבודה עם דגימות דם בבני אדם מהווה יתרון
יכולת וניסיון בהובלת צוות של עוזרי מעבדה/טכנאים במעבדה
ידע וניסיון ספציפי בתחום הנוירואימונולוגיה, כולל עבודה עם מודלים של מחלות נוירולוגיות בחיות ניסוי, ניסיון בהפרדה של תאים מרקמות מח ואיפיון של תאים אלה בשיטות שונות, ניסיון בהפקת primary cultures של תאים במח, וכד', מהווים יתרון ויוכלו לתרום להצלחת הפרויקט.
מועמדים/ות מתאימים/ות יקבלו משרה אקדמית במסלול חוקרים באוניברסיטה העברית (, בדרגה ההולמת את מעמדם האקדמי.
לפרטים נוספים, נא לפנות לפרופ' רז ירמיה, המעבדה לפסיכונוירואימונולוגיה, המחלקה לפסיכולוגיה באוניברסיטה העברית, במייל This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., בצרוף קורות חיים.
The Weizmann Institute of science – Postdoctoral Position in Neuroimaging
Analysis of stimulus-induced brain dynamics during naturalistic paradigms
using high-resolution 7-Tesla fMRI
Faculty: Faculty of Biology
Department: Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of science
Naturalistic stimuli offer promising avenues for investigating brain function across the rich, realistic spectrum of human experiences. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of brain activity recorded during naturalistic paradigms have provided new information about dynamic neural processing in ecologically valid contexts, but the complex, uncontrolled nature of such stimuli -- and the resulting, multifaceted fMRI responses that unfold -- present challenges with respect to data analysis and interpretation.
The post-doctorate project will involve first experimental phase: conducting fMRI experiments using a newly established 7T MRI scanner during naturalistic stimulation (auditory-narratives or movies), together with recording physiological measures: pupil size, heart rate, and respiration. (ii) Developing new signal processing methods to disentangle cognitive processing from autonomic responses, and physiological “noise”, targeting memory encoding and retrieval processes.
The position is for one year starting at December 2019. Following a positive evaluation, the appointment could be extended up to 2 years.
Strong computational, analytical and programming skills.
Experience with fMRI and experimental work – an advantage.
Computational/engineering/physics background and programming experience.
Ability of teamwork and initiative.
Knowledge of professional English at a high level.
Details of Contact Person for Position:
The work will take place at the Lab of Dr. Ritta Schmidt (Weizmann institute of science) and will be supervised directly by Dr. Erez Simony from Holon Institute of technology (HIT).
Prof. Rafi Malach will act as an advisor to this project.
How to apply:
Interested candidates with proven academic record are requested to send their CV and contact details of 3 referees to Dr. Erez Simony (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
PhD students and postdoctoral fellows
The Ben-Shaul lab at the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine is seeking PhD students and postdoctoral fellows to join our research on chemosensory processing of social signals.
Our lab is interested in basic aspects of sensory coding as well as more ethological questions about the interplay between learned and innate behaviors.
Work in the lab involves one or more of the following approaches: electrophysiology, behavioral testing (using optogenetics), activity based gene trapping, and data analyses.
For more information, visit our website (
Applicants should email Yoram Ben-Shaul (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), describing their previous experience in the field of neuroscience and their research interests.
Substantial fellowships are guaranteed to suitable and dedicated candidates.
New Position at ProteKt Therapeutics Ltd.: Senior Scientist – Neurobiology
New Position at ProteKt Therapeutics Ltd.: Senior Scientist – Neurobiology
ProteKt Therapeutics, a biotech start-up company that recently graduated the FutuRx biotech incubator, is Hiring!
Our company develops a small molecule inhibitor that targets the kinase PKR for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (more information can be found here)
. We seek a highly-motivated individual to join our team as a Research Scientist with the following traits:
• Ph.D. degree in neurobiology with hands-on experience
• CNS background and experience in in vitro and in vivo models of CNS diseases
• Strong experience in T.C., primary cultures of neurons, microscopy, IHC, ICC, IF staining
• Independent researcher that can plan, conduct and analyze experimental data
• Proven ability for troubleshooting and problem-solving
• A team player with great inter-personal skills that can fit in a dynamic multidisciplinary group with a common goal
• Excellent English with the ability to write scientific reports and overviews and communicate with international service providers
• Self-motivated, deadline-driven, and organized person
• Great communication skills and a positive attitude
Advantage will be given to applicant with the following background:
• Pre-clinical development and industry experience of at least two years
• Experience in leading and monitoring projects at CROs
• Experience in electrophysiology studies
• Experience with recombinant protein production and crystallography work
To apply for this job, please send your CV to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
דרוש/ה מנהל/ת מעבדה ועמית/ת מחקר
למעבדה חדשה באוניברסיטת חיפה במחלקה לנוירוביולוגיה דרוש/ה מנהל/ת מעבדה.
המעבדה עוסקת במחקר של הפרעות פסיכיאטריות ומחלות נוירודגנרטיביות על-ידי תכנות מחדש של תאים שנלקחו מחולים והפיכתם לתאי גזע (( human induced pluripotent stem cells ומיונם כסוגים שונים של תאי עצב או תאי מוח אחרים.
דרישות התפקיד:
א. תואר שני או שלישי בביולוגיה או תחומים קשורים.
ב. ניסיון בשיטות עבודה מולקולריות.
ג. ניסיון בהפעלת מכשור מדעי.
ד. ניסיון בגידול תאים שונים.
למשלוח קורות חיים: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.