A Postdoctoral/doctoral position is available at The Laboratory of Psychobiology, Department of Psychiatry, Rambam Health Care Campus and the Technion-Haifa - Prof. Dorit Ben-Shachar, for candidates with interest in the mechanism of impairment of mitochondria in schizophrenia. Specifically, the project will focus on the assembly of the first complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in schizophrenia.
Applicants with a background in protein biochemical methodology are encouraged to apply. A background in neuroscience is an advantage. We are looking for ambitious and industrious candidates.
A scholarship for the suitable candidates is guaranteed.
Candidates are requested to contact Prof. Dorit Ben-Shachar by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and attach their CVs.

Postdoctoral/doctoral position in animal behavior – with Prof. David Eilam, Tel Aviv University

Postdoctoral/doctoral positions are immediately available for candidates with interest in understanding the interaction between behavior, social rank, and hormones.
We are searching for candidates with strong background in behavioral analysis. Knowledge in endocrinology / stress hormones is desirable. The successful applicants will investigate the impact of social rank and gender on collective behavior in voles. The emphasis in the project is on behavioral analysis, but the project also involves manipulation of the social rank with testosterone and oxytocin, and measuring corticosteroid level.
The research will be conducted in semi-natural conditions, at the research zoo of the Department of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. This laboratory is specialized in fine-grained analysis of behavior, especially in the context of spatial behavior, motor rituals, and predator-prey interactions (see http://www.tau.ac.il/lifesci/departments/zoology/members/eilam/eilam.html)

Interested applicants must be ambitious, industrious and skillful, and with a track record of publications. A PhD in Zoology/Biology/Psychology, or a related discipline is required for a postdoctoral position. The candidates must have real interest in animal behavior and a capacity to run extensive projects with wild rodents.

The position is immediately available for 1 year, and could be extended for additional years. Candidates should send by email a CV, a research statement, indicating scientific interests and relevant experience, and the names of 3 reference persons to Dr. David Eilam, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ending date: Sept. 30th.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Institute for Drug Research (IDR), School of Pharmacy, Ein Kerem campus
Looking for PhD students to study the neurobiology of drug addiction.
By using state of the art electrpphysiological, biochemical and behavioral methods we study how drugs of abuse such as cocaine alters the function of the brain reward circuitry. We focused on changes that occurs following short and prolonged drug withdrawal.
Students with a background in Neurosciences are encourage to apply. A scholarship for the suitable candidates is guaranteed.

Contact information:
Rami Yaka, PhD
The Institute for Drug Research (IDR)
School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Medicine
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
POB 12065, Jerusalem, 91120
Office:  ++97226758735
Fax:      ++97226758420
Cell:     ++972525924655
Web: http://pharmacy.huji.ac.il/eng/staff_win.asp?id=28&type=2 <http://pharmacy.huji.ac.il/eng/staff_win.asp?id=28&type=2>

Adminitrative Project Manager

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Postdoctoral/ Ph.D student positions in the area of learning and memory
Applicants are invited to apply for postdoc or PhD student positions in a
laboratory studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms of memory formation
in amygdala and interconnected brain regions


at the Department of Neurobiology and Etiology, University of Haifa.

Candidates should have a strong scientific background in molecular biology or slice electrophysiology.

Please email a curriculum vitae to:
Dr. Rafi Lamprecht
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