Pain Plasticity Research Group at The Hebrew University, Faculty of Medicine Looking for PhD student and Postdoc
Pain Plasticity Research Group at The Hebrew University, Faculty of Medicine Looking for PhD student and Postdoc
Postdoctoral/doctoral position in pain physiology – with Dr. Alex Binshtok, The Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine
In our lab we are studying the complex mechanisms that underlie the experience of pain with the hope that a better understanding can lead to more successful methods of control and treatment. To this end we are using a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates novel multiphoton based imaging techniques and in-vivo and in-vitro electrophysiological, histological and behavioral experiments to study pain-related mechanisms at the molecular and cellular level, as well as the level of neuronal networks and behaviour. It is anticipated that this integrative approach will yield a profound fundamental understanding of the multidimensional mechanisms which involve detection, transmission and perpetuation of pain. New targets for the treatment of pain will be identified and hopefully lead to the development of new pain-specific anesthetic drugs that should eliminate the sensation of pathologically related pain much more effectively than currently available treatments.
Contact information:
Alexander Binshtok, PhD
Head of Pain Plasticity Research Group
Department of Medical Neurobiology
Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada
and Center for Research on Pain
The Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine
POB 12271
Jerusalem, Israel
Phone: 972-2-675-7349
FAX: 972-2-643-9736
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Post Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Pain and the Brain at Harvard Medical School
Post Doctoral Fellow
The Center for Pain and the Brain at Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital
Boston, McLean Hospital, and Massachusetts General Hospital is seeking a Post
Doctoral Fellow who may be interested in joining our group. The Center
encompasses a series of Neuroimaging projects including migraine, chronic pain,
and pain in the operating room. The appointment is for 2 years with the possibility
to establish an independent program and a faculty appointment at Harvard
Medical School. Candidates with their own funding are welcome to apply.
We are seeking a highly motivated investigator that will be devoted to one of our
neuroimaging programs. The successful candidate should have ample
experience in performing fMRI experiments and analyzing functional as well
morphological data. The position requires an individual that functions
independently as the responsibility of the operation of the project will be mostly
hers/his. The Fellow will also need to be resourceful to pursue assistance for the
execution of the project within the Center and across institutions. Management
duties include supervising a Research Assistant, recruitment of subjects, and IRB
The candidate should also have an advance degree (PhD, MD, or related),
strong verbal and written English abilities, extensive experience with
neuroimaging analysis software (fsl, spm, afni, etc.), and knowledge of matlab or
other computational software.
Interested applicants please send a cover letter describing research interests and
experience, an updated CV, and names of three references to:
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Children’s Hospital Boston is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
דרוש סטודנט לדוקטורט למחקר העוסק בנוירוביולוגיה של התמכרות לסמים
דרוש סטודנט לדוקטורט למחקר העוסק בנוירוביולוגיה של התמכרות לסמים.
המחקר כולל עבודה במודלים התנהגותיים להתמכרות ולמידה, שיטות ביוכימיות, אלקטרופיזיולוגיה של תעלות בחתכי מוח ואופטוגנטיקה in vivo, in vitro.
עדיפות לבעלי ניסיון באלקטרופיזיולוגיה.
למועמדים מובטחת מלגת לימודים ומשרת הוראה בפרמקולוגיה.
למעוניינים נא לשלוח קורות חיים לד"ר רמי יקה, בית הספר לרוקחות, התחום לפרמקולוגיה, הפקולטה לרפואה, האוניברסיטה העברית (קמפוס עין כרם).
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סטודנטים לתואר שני ושלישי למעבדת מחקר חדשה במרכז לבריאות הנפש מזרע
למעבדת מחקר חדשה בתחום הפסיכיאטריה הביולוגית הממוקמת במרכז לבריאות הנפש מזרע, עכו דרושים
סטודנטים איכותיים ובעלי מוטיבציה לתואר שני ושלישי.
המחקר מתמקד בהבנת מנגנוניים ומסלולים תוך תאיים המעורבים בתהליכים הקשורים להבעת רגשות ולעיבוד
קוגניטיבי. המחקר משלב שיטות מולקולאריות מתקדמות עם מחקר התנהגותי.
קורות חיים ושמות של שני ממליצים נא לשלוח לד"ר אלון שמיר:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Head of the Neuroscience Research lab
Mazra Mental
D.N. Oshrat,
Tel: +972-4-9954708
Fax: +972-4-9559523
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A Postdoctoral Fellow position- Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco
A Postdoctoral Fellow position is available in the laboratory of Prof. Dorit Ron at the Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco. The Postdoc position is available in 2012 to study the Neurobiology of Addiction. Candidates must have a strong background in rat and mice behavioral models. Candidates should also show a strong interest combining behavioral and molecular approaches (for examples, Neasta et al. PNAS 2010,Wang et al. J. of Neuroscience 2010, Barak et al. J. of Neuroscience 2011, Neasta et al. Biol. Psychiatry 2011).
Please send Curriculum Vitae and names of three references to: Dorit Ron Ph.D. Professor Endowed Chair in Cell Biology of Addiction in Neurology Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco, Principal Investigator, The Gallo Research Center, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, please see
Deadline for submission - 30/9/2012
Postdoctoral position in the Laboratory for Brain and Behavior at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A Postdoctoral fellow position is available immediately at the Laboratory for Brain and Behavior, directed by Prof. Raz Yirmiya at the Department of Psychology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. We are seeking a highly motivated and well-trained postdoctoral fellow to lead a novel and exciting project that has just received long-term funding from the Israel Science Foundation. The project will focus on the role of microglia in stress and depression. Specifically, studies on the biological basis of major depression usually focus on abnormalities in neuronal functions, but our preliminary findings provide strong evidence that chronic stress-induced depression is caused by microglial pathology. The overall goal of the project will be to elucidate the role of microglia in major depression by examining the hypothesis that dynamic, bi-directional alterations in microglia number and activation status are causally related to stress-induced depressive-like behavior and associated changes in neuroplasticity (particularly suppressed neurogenesis and neurotrophins production) in rodents. The successful candidate should hold a PhD in Neuroscience or Psychobiology, with solid experience in immunohistochemistry, molecular biology and behavioural analysis.
A full scholarship for the suitable candidate is guaranteed.
Candidates are requested to send by email a CV, a research statement, indicating scientific interests and relevant experience, and the names of 2 reference persons to Prof. Raz Yirmiya at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Postdoc position at Ben Gurion U starting October 2012
Postdoc position in Neuroimaging available at the Department of Psychology, Ben Gurion University, starting October 2012
Our lab uses neuroimaging techniques including MRI and EEG to study brain function and structure in autism. The two focuses of the lab are 1) to better understand the underlying physiology of individuals with autism and determine how it differs from other disorders, and 2) to develop new diagnosis techniques, which will enable early identification of autism based on physiological measurements from young children. See for details about research.
The lab is in initial stages of setup and we are searching for a candidate with a strong neuroscience background who has experience in designing, performing, and interpreting fMRI, MRI, DTI, and/or EEG studies. Knowledge of matlab is critical and knowledge of other programming languages and relevant software (e.g. Brainvoyager, Analyzer, DTI-studio, E-Prime, and Freesurfer) is advantageous. An independent “rosh-gadol” would be highly appreciated.
Funding is guaranteed for the first year and will likely continue for several years to come.
Please contact Dr. Ilan Dinstein for further details and attach a CV: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postdoc position in Electrophysiology
Postdoc position in Electrophysiology is currently available at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Sweden.
Research: Our lab uses electrophysiological, morphological, optogenetic, and computational methods to study neural microcircuits in the neocortex and basal-ganglia. In particular we are interested in the dynamic properties of neuronal microcircuits underlying sensory and motor processing. We study the dynamic interactions between different types of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in order to unravel the way neural networks are structured and dynamically orchestrated.
Lab website:
We are currently seeking candidates for a postdoctoral position in the lab. Candidates should have a strong neuroscience background with documented experience in electrophysiological techniques. Knowledge of neuroanatomy, imaging, and computer programming are advantageous. The project will involve multi neuron patch-clamp recordings in vitro and in vivo in neocortex and basal ganglia combined with optogenetics. The project is funded by an ERC starting grant, supporting the position and the necessary equipment for carrying out the projects.
Applications should be sent to Gilad Silberberg: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., including a motivation letter, C.V., Publication List, details of two references. After initial contact, applicants should arrange to have at least two confidential letters of reference to be sent directly by referees.
Funding is guaranteed for the first 2 years and may be extended according to progress and available funding. The position will be open until a suitable candidate is found, but preferential treatment will be given to applications submitted before June 30th.