Postdoctoral position to study cortical circuitry underlying memory-guided visual decision-making is available in the laboratory of Dr. Tatiana Pasternak ( Experimental approaches include extracellular single- and multi-electrode recordings of spiking and LFP activity from prefrontal and extrastriate cortical regions of non-human primates during complex behavioral tasks. Other approaches include reversible inactivations and microstimulation. An important component of the work is a collaboration involving computational modeling aimed at mechanisms underlying maintenance and utilization of visual information in decision-making.

Preference will be given to candidates with strong quantitative background with experience in extracellular recordings and analysis of physiological data. However, applicants with strong background in related disciplines of systems neuroscience are welcome to apply. Experience with MATLAB programming and proficient knowledge of the English language are required.

The University of Rochester offers a stimulating research environment and excellent opportunities for interactions and training in cognitive neuroscience and visual science. Interested applicants should send CV and names/contact information of three references to Dr. Pasternak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Please include a cover letter detailing your current research activities, expertise and the reasons for your interest in this position.

PhD Positions in Molecular Neurobiology of Memory in University of Haifa

We are seeking for a highly motivated PhD student to carry out a research project aiming to understand molecular mechanisms of memory formation. Toward that end the student will use an optogenetic approach to activate intracellular proteins in discrete neuronal population and study the effects on cellular processes and memory formation. For more information please see: Interested candidates should send their CV to my e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We are seeking for a highly motivated PhD student to carry out a research project aiming to understand molecular mechanisms of memory formation. Toward that end the student will use a state of the art technique to activate specific neurons using nanomaterials and study the effects on cellular processes and memory formation. For more information please see: Interested candidates should send their CV to my e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

M.Sc./Ph.D. position –
A postgraduate position is available to study the role and function of miRNA in memory consolidation in the brain cortex.
See for additional information.
Experience in molecular biology methods is a must. Background in neurobiology is an advantage but not a strict requirement.
To apply, please send a CV, a short description of research interests, and the names and contact details of three academic referees to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


M.Sc./Ph.D. position –
A postgraduate position is available to study the role of the insular cortex in taste memory consolidation using optogenetics and designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs).
See for additional information.
Background in neurobiology and physiologyis an advantage but not a strict requirement. To apply, please send a CV, a short description of research interests, and the names and contact details of three academic referees to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

דרושים סטודנטים לדוקטורט למחקר העוסק בנוירוביולוגיה של התמכרות לסמים
המחקר כולל עבודה במודלים התנהגותיים להתמכרות ולמידה, שיטות ביוכימיות, אלקטרופיזיולוגיה של תעלות בחתכי מוח ואופטוגנטיקה in vivo, in vitro.
עדיפות לבעלי ניסיון באלקטרופיזיולוגיה.
למועמדים מובטחת מלגת לימודים ומשרת הוראה בפרמקולוגיה.
למעוניינים נא לשלוח קורות חיים לפרופ' רמי יקה, בית הספר לרוקחות, התחום לפרמקולוגיה, הפקולטה לרפואה, האוניברסיטה העברית קמפוס עין כרם.
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rami Yaka, PhD
Associate Professor
The Institute for Drug Research (IDR)
School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Medicine
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
POB 12065, Jerusalem, 91120

A Postdoctoral fellow position/Lab manager is available at the Ophthalmic Science and Engineering, directed by Dr. Yossi Mandel at Bar Ilan University.

Current lab projects include Retinal prosthesis and artificial vision for restoration of sight, prosthetic visual function assessment, learning, cortical plasticity, in-vitro recording with MEA from retinal explants. The lab is under construction and will include in-vivo setup for animal experiments, ex-vivo electrophysiology and Ca imaging setups, optical cortical imaging.

We are looking for highly motivated fellows who should hold a PhD in neuroscience or biomedical engineering or similar with an extensive experience with in-vitro or in-vivo electrophysiology or optical cortical imaging.

Please send a request with your CV including relevant experience and recommendation letters to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A postdoctoral fellowship is available at the laboratory of Michal Rivlin at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. The research focuses on dynamic computations performed by neuronal circuits in the retina and how these dynamics affect the entire visual system.

The lab is in initial stages of setup, and we are seeking highly motivated candidates, preferably with experience in two-photon microscopy and electrophysiology.

For more details, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Intellectual Disability Track at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, invites applications for tenure-track faculty member beginning October 2014.

Based on a special program launched by the University to recruit new faculty members, we are looking for a junior faculty member at entry level and a senior member at the level of associate or full professor.

A Ph.D. in Special Education/Psychology/Brain Science/Social work/Occupational therapy is required. Candidates are expected to have a record of publications and teaching experience in the field of Intellectual disability or borderline level.

The School of Education at Bar-Ilan University has approximately 2,000 students and 40 tenure-track faculty members. Degrees are offered in the Divisions of Curriculum Studies, Early Childhood Education, Educational Administration, Educational Counseling, Informal Education, Science Education and Special Education. Further information about the School of Education is available on the website The Intellectual Disability (ID) Track is a part of the MA program in the Special Education program.

The Special Education program offers B.A, M.A and Ph.D. degrees. Programs are delivered in Hebrew or English. Successful applicants will be expected to be active in research, teaching and supervision of graduate students.

Applicants should send an academic CV, a list of 3 possible referees and an academic profile outlining research plans for the coming 3-5 years (research statement) to: Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz - Vahav This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Candidates will be offered a tenure-track position subject to the universities budget constraints.

Enclosed information about the ID track

A Postdoctoral fellow position is available at the Hebrew University PsychoNeuroImmunology Laboratory, directed by Prof. Raz Yirmiya at the Department of Psychology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. We are seeking a highly motivated and well-trained postdoctoral fellow to lead a novel and exciting project on the role of microglia in stress and depression. Specifically, studies on the biological basis of major depression usually focus on abnormalities in neuronal functions, but our recent findings provide strong evidence that chronic stress-induced depression is caused by microglial pathology (Kreisel et al., Molecular Psychiatry, in press). The overall goal of the project, which recently received funding from the Bikura Program of the Israel Science Foundation, will be to elucidate the role of microglia in major depression by examining the hypothesis that dynamic, bi-directional alterations in microglia number and activation status are causally related to stress-induced depressive-like behavior and associated changes in neuroplasticity (particularly suppressed neurogenesis and neurotrophins production) in rodents. The successful candidate should hold a Ph.D. in Neuroscience or Psychobiology, with solid experience in immunohistochemistry, molecular biology and behavioural analysis.

Candidates are requested to send by email a CV, a research statement, indicating scientific interests and relevant experience, and letters of recommendation from 2 scientists who know the candidate and his/her work to Prof. Raz Yirmiya at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..