The Omer lab at the Edmond & Lily Safra Center for brain Sciences (ELSC) –
The Hebrew University, is seeking highly motivated students at all levels (MA,
PhD and Postdoc) to participate in a research program aimed at elucidating the
neural mechanisms of social cognition and navigation in the brain, using a
combination of computational and experimental techniques.
Positions are available for projects related to the neural basis of social cognition
in the hippocampus, and the neural basis of spatial navigation in freely
behaving animals.
Candidates should have a strong scientific background in systems and/or
computational neuroscience, and solid communication skills in English. Individuals
with expertise in neurophysiological recordings and/or computational
background (MATLAB/Python), are particularly encouraged to apply.
David Omer
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Call for applications: Tenure Track Faculty Position in Computational Neuroscience
A full-time tenure-track faculty position in Computational Neuroscience is available at the Sagol Department of Neurobiology, University of Haifa, Israel (http://neuroscience.haifa.ac.il/index.php/en/?lang=en) starting at the academic year of 2022-2023. Individuals with two or more years of postdoctoral experience and a strong publication record are encouraged to apply.
We are seeking candidates in the broad field of Computational Neuroscience. Successful candidates are expected to engage in independent research funded by external competitive funding, graduate students' instruction, and academic teaching. Candidates are not expected to conduct experimental research.
Applications will be accepted until January 31, 2022.
Each application package must be sent to the Departmental Search Committee by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include the following items:
A cover letter
A complete resume including a list of publications
Research statement
Teaching statement
In addition, at least three recommendation letters, including one from the Ph.D. supervisor and one from the Post-doc supervisor, should be addressed and sent directly to the Departmental Search Committee.job

A PhD position is available at Prof. Rami Yaka at the School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University. The lab investigates the neural pathways and synaptic changes underlying addiction. The main focus for the current position is to study the engagement of learning and memory mechanisms (LTP, LTD) in addiction and how manipulations of these changes can prevent relapse (see recent publication Bingor et al., Nature Comm. 2020). We study these questions in transgenic mice using state-of-the-art electrophysiological, optogenetics, pharmacogenetics and behavioral tools. Experience with electrophysiology or behavior is a plus.
Highly motivated candidates are welcome to contact:
Prof. Rami Yaka
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Research opportunity
How do neural circuits in the brain allow us to make decisions, interact with each other, and learn?
A new lab in the faculty of medicine, Technion, studies these questions using state-of-the-art tools including multiphoton imaging, a virtual-reality behavioral system for mice, and laser-controlled brain manipulations.
In the lab we investigate the neural activity underlying complex behavior in mice and focus on the brain’s dopamine system, which is essential to many cognitive processes such as decision-making and social behavior. Projects in the lab are varied and suitable to a wide variety of backgrounds (engineering, biology, physics, and more). We currently have openings for undergraduate projects, Masters and PhD students.
For more information please visit EngelhardLab.com, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your CV and a short statement of research interests.

PI: Ben Engelhard, PhD.

We are hiring v2 1 1



lightsheet specialist

Lightsheet specialist Wanted

link for details

The Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Invites outstanding candidates to apply for tenure-track positions:


Cognitive neuroscience (either with a biological focus or otherwise)
Computational cognitive science
Cognitive psychology
Research on pathology that has cognitive aspects
Artificial intelligence and data science
Language studies (including from psychological, neurological and philosophical perspectives that have a significant interface to cognitive aspects)


Complete applications
must be submitted by
October 7, 2021


Detailed instructions and additional information
can be found at: http://ttp.huji.ac.il

This announcement does not constitute a commitment to recruit candidates in any or all fields.
The position will be a joint position with another of the university’s departments. The applicant should consult the head of the search committee on this matter.
For questions, further details and consultations as to the additional department, please contact the head of the department’s search committee, Prof. Omri Abend at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



קול קורא
למשרות תקניות
בחוג למדעי הקוגניציה והמוח

למועמדות/ים מצטיינות/ים
למשרות תקניות בהוראה ומחקר

תינתן העדפה לתחומים הבאים:
● מדעי המוח הקוגניטיביים (בדגש ביולוגי או בדגשים אחרים)
● מחקר חישובי במדעי הקוגניציה
● פסיכולוגיה קוגניטיבית
● מחקר על פתולוגיה בעלת היבטים קוגניטיביים
● בינה מלאכותית ומדעי הנתונים
● חקר השפה (כולל מפרספקטיבות פסיכולוגיות, נוירולוגיות ופילוסופיות בעלות ממשק מובהק להיבטים קוגניטיביים)


מועד אחרון להגשת מועמדות: 07 באוקטובר, 2021.

הנחיות להגשת מועמדות ופירוט על התחומים ניתן למצוא באתר:

*הדרגה תיקבע על פי כישורי המועמד.

המינוי יהיה מינוי משותף בחוג למדעי הקוגניציה והמוח ובחוג נוסף. על המועמד להיוועץ עם ראש ועדת החיפוש בנושא.
לשאלות ופרטים נוספים (וספציפית בנושא פניות לחוג נוסף) ניתן לפנות לראש ועדת החיפוש של החוג, פרופ׳ עמרי אבנד בדוא"ל This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Lab manager/ Research associate position

The Stern lab https://www.shanistern-diseasemodelinglab.com/ at the Sagol department of Neurobiology at the University of Haifa is seeking a lab manager/research associate. Outstanding and highly motivated individuals are invited to apply.

1. Ph.D. degree in science or engineering
2. Cell culture experience
3. Being able to adapt to a highly dynamic environment
4. Excellent communication and organizational skills
5. Experience with induced pluripotent stem cells is an advantage
6. Electrophysiology skills are an advantage

Please send your CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

חיפוש סטודנט\ית לתואר שלישי מחקר בחומרים פסיכדליים