Professor Dorit Ron at the University of California, San Francisco has an opening for a behavioral neuroscience postdoctoral fellow position. The Ron lab use state-of-the-art techniques including, molecular/genetic techniques for gene manipulations in vivo, viral-mediated gene delivery, chemogenetics, RNAseq and structural plasticity in combination with behavioral approaches in mice to study molecular signaling within neural circuitries in addiction (Examples, Barak et al. Nature Neuroscience 2013, Warnault et al., Biological Psychiatry 2016, Liu et al. Molecular Psychiatry 2017, Laguesse et al. Neuron 2017, Morisot et al. ELife 2019, Ehinger et al. Nature Comm. 2021). Highly-motivated candidates with in-depth experience in rodent behavioral approaches, including surgical manipulations, who are in the process of graduating, or that have recently graduated, are encouraged to apply. The position offers an opportunity to be part of a collaborative team within the vibrant research community at the UCSF Mission Bay campus.
Please send Curriculum Vitae and names of three references to: Professor Dorit Ron, Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Funded post-doc/PhD positions in clinical neuroscience research are available in a new group headed by Dr. Rany Abend at the School of Psychology, Reichman University, Israel.
The focus is on interdisciplinary research, integrating different theoretical perspectives (e.g., clinical, evolutionary, social) and cutting-edge neuroscience methodologies (e.g., neuroimaging, physiology, modeling) to identify, and modulate, human neural circuitry underlying psychopathology, such as anxiety, depression, and more.
The group will work closely with the university’s dedicated MRI scanner, mental health clinic, and collaborators within the university and outside it, both locally and internationally, as well as interface with relevant industry for potential clinical applications.

Job Description:
We are looking for motivated, independent researchers interested in psychopathological mechanisms, emotion-cognition-behavior interactions, and data analysis (e.g., neuroimaging, psychophysiology, behavior; modeling). The selected candidates will design and conduct novel clinical neuroscience studies, analyze new and existing multi-modal data, and write manuscripts for publication (including for data already collected). Salary is in accordance with the guidelines of Reichman University. Start date is Fall 2022.

Required qualifications and skills:
• PhD in cognitive neuroscience or related quantitative fields (e.g., psychology, cognitive science, psychobiology, computer science, engineering or similar), with proven experience in leading at least one peer reviewed publication using neuroimaging.
• Programming/scripting proficiency (preferably in Matlab, Python, or R) and experience in processing different types of data (e.g., neuroimaging, physiology, or eye tracking data).
• Excellent analytical and statistical skills.
• Excellent scientific writing and communication skills, documented by publications.
• Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively.
• Ability to supervise and mentor students.

The position does not require teaching, but provides an opportunity to gain teaching experience if desired.

Inquiries and applications should be sent to Rany Abend (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The Deutsch lab at the Sagol Department of Neurobiology,
University of Haifa, is seeking talented, independent, self-motivated
individuals from different backgrounds to join our journey to the
We are interested in revealing the mechanisms underlying complex
social communication at the circuit, cellular, and molecular levels.
Our lab takes a multidisciplinary approach to tackle this problem.
Therefore, people from different disciplines are encouraged to apply,
including from biological and physical sciences, engineering and
computer sciences. We are looking for students at all levels
(MA,PhD and Postdoc) as well as for a lab manager.

Please find more details about our research and open positions in the lab website:
Contact: Dr. David (Dudi) Deutsch
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Research opportunity
How do neural circuits in the brain allow us to make decisions, interact with each other, and learn?
A new lab in the Faculty of Medicine, Technion, studies these questions using state-of-the-art tools including multiphoton imaging, a virtual-reality behavioral system for mice, and laser-controlled brain manipulations.
We investigate the neural activity underlying complex behavior in mice and focus on the brain’s dopamine system, which is essential to many cognitive processes, such as decision-making and social behavior.
Projects in the lab are varied and suitable to a wide variety of backgrounds (engineering, biology, physics, and more). We currently have openings for Masters and PhD students.
For more information, please visit, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your CV and a short statement of research interests.

PI: Ben Engelhard, PhD.


link for details

The School of Medicine within Western Sydney University is a leader in neuroscience and cognition research, with a strong reputation for delivering research outcomes of the highest quality. We are now offering two research scholarships to a highly motivated PhD candidates to work within a research group addressing the astrocyte-mediated mechanisms leading to neuronal toxicity in neurodegeneration.
Astrocytes normally exhibit a supportive role for neurons, but during neurodegenerative diseases their function changes, advancing disease processes. Currently, the precise mechanisms behind the dysfunctional astrocyte-mediated neuronal toxicity remain unclear, however evidence from animal and human cell models suggests that preventing astrocyte dysfunction could protect neurons from degeneration and death. Thus, our overarching aims are to expose the astrocyte-mediated mechanisms leading to neuronal toxicity in AD and ALS and to use our findings to test potential therapeutics.
The project will be based at the School of Medicine in Campbelltown campus with the opportunity to work with Dr Yossi Buskila on novel recording and imaging techniques including patch clamp, optogenetics and two-photon imaging.
The project is funded through the GRS in Western Sydney University. International candidates will receive a tax-free stipend of $30,000(AUD) per annum for up to 3 years to support living costs. Those with a strong track record will be eligible for a tuition fee waiver.
The successful applicant should:
• hold a Research Masters degree, or (iv) equivalent overseas qualifications.
• demonstrate strong academic performance in subjects relevant to Physiology, neuroscience, neurobiology or neurophysiology.
• have an understanding of the importance of research on neurodegenerative disorders.
• be willing to learn electrophysiological and imaging techniques applicable to neurophysiology.
• be enthusiastic and highly motivated to undertake further study at an advanced level.
For questions and advice about the research project, please contact the Lead Researcher;
Doctor Yossi Buskila: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tenure track position in the Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences
School/Faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department/Area Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Description The Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences at Ben-Gurion University is seeking to fill a tenure-track, open rank, faculty position, with a starting date of October 1, 2022.

link for information

We are seeking outstanding candidates interested and capable of an interdisciplinary approach to brain and cognition, whose research program focuses on one or more of the following areas:

• Cognitive / Computational / Clinical neuroscience
• Computational Cognition

Successful individuals are expected to establish, and independently fund a research program that synergizes with the interests of other members of the cognitive and brain sciences communities at BGU, and to contribute to the teaching and administrative efforts in the department.


Applicants should include:
1. Curriculum vitae
2. Research and teaching statements
3. Electronic copies of up to 3 papers
4. Letter of intent stating willingness to start the position in the fall of 2022
5. Three letters of recommendation

The deadline for applications is Feb. 24, 2022 (however, the call will be open until the position is filled).
Basic Qualifications
PhD degree in one of the aforementioned fields or a related field
Academic experience in teaching and research in one of the aforementioned fields
Coping with interdisciplinary research
Good interpersonal communication skills

Contact Information
Dr. Oren Shriki
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Equal Opportunity Employer Ben-Gurion University sees great importance in integrating people with disabilities into work. If you are a person with disabilities according to the definition in the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law, 5758-1988:'A person with a physical, mental or intellectual disability, including cognition, permanent or temporary, whose immature function is limited to one or more of the main areas of life' - you should point this out in the candidacy forms.

PhD and Post-Doctoral positions in Next Generation AI - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
SEEKING TOP PhD students and post-docs to work on next generation AI

The BINDS Lab of Bio-inspired AI at the School of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst is seeking highly motivated grad students and postdocs to participate in cutting edge research on next generation AI. Next generation AI (aka Lifelong Learning) focuses on systems capable of learning in real-time, adapting existing knowledge to new environments without retraining, and operating robustly in the real-world.
Research will focus on advancing the state of Lifelong Learning intelligence, with capabilities including temporal understanding, neuromodulation, learning in groups of agents, and more. Some of our models follow neurobiology studies and introduce new types of networks. The direction of our work is on practical application of these advanced systems, however in some work we advance AI learning theory and close the loop to provide explanations of biological intelligence mechanisms. We frequently consider real-world constraints of low power to enable the systems to work efficiently within the cloud or as independent agents. Human-machine interaction is also an important part of our applications.
Candidates should have a strong background in Machine Learning, Computer Science or math, and must have strength in programming. Solid communication and writing skills in English are mandatory. Responsible, hardworking, sociable and collaborative individuals are encouraged to apply.

Hava Siegelmann
(413) 727-5221
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Call for applicants:
University of Haifa MRI-fMRI Research Center Manager
 The University of Haifa is seeking applicants for a manager position at the recently established University of Haifa MRI-fMRI Research Center.
 The center includes a new 3T MRI system for human imaging and is situated at the university annex at Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa.
 Leading and managing the center’s administrative and research support staff.
 Developing and providing support pertaining to methodology of MRI-fMRI research.
 Integrating new imaging protocols and hardware/equipment to support state-of-the-art research activities.
 Supervising the operation and maintenance of all technical equipment at the research center.
 Integrating and providing support in the use of new data analysis protocols and software.
 Developing protocols and procedures for MRI-fMRI research, including the development of training courses, safety modules and methodology workshops for students and researchers.
 Managing all research and administrative activities, including budget and communication with hardware and software vendors.
 Administration and supervision of ethics protocols, including support in the preparation and submission of Helsinki proposals by research groups working at the Center.
 Ph.D. or M.D. in an area relevant to human brain imaging.
 Experience in human brain MRI in either research or clinical settings.
 Excellent operational and management skills.
 Interest in research work, initiative and responsibility.
 Fluency and good communication skills, in oral and written form, in Hebrew and English.
 The University of Haifa is committed to fair and equal opportunity employment prospects.
 The position is a full time position (100%).
Interested applicants are encouraged to send CV and contact details of references to Dr. Roee Admon This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.