The Department of Cognitive Sciences The Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of Haifa, Israel, invites applications for an open-rank tenure-track position, beginning in the 2019 academic year. The academic rank will be matched to the candidate’s qualifications.
The deadline for application is November 15 2018. The screening of applications will continue until the position is filled.
The Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of Haifa, Israel is a new interdisciplinary department, established in 2018 (
The department aims to combine different theoretical and methodological points of view to the study of cognitive processes.
We draw on research from Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics, Computational Sciences and Neuroscience. We are currently in the process of establishing the department, which is starting off as an undergraduate program. This provides a great opportunity for young scientists to influence the development of the curriculum and the department. We are particularly interested in applicants whose research and training is of an interdisciplinary nature within the fields of cognitive sciences such as Linguistics, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Computational Sciences.
The candidate should be able to teach and cooperate scientifically with researchers from varied backgrounds on topics related to cognition. The successful candidate should demonstrate the potential to develop a strong research program, supervise student research, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses.
Please send: (1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) 2-3 selected publications, (3) research statement (up to 3 pages) highlighting past work as well as your plans, (4) teaching statement (1 page), and (5) names and email addresses of three referees to: Hadas Okon-Singer, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of Haifa:
Final appointment is at the discretion of the Dean and Rector of the University of Haifa

A new Weizmann Postdoc program is considering candidates for a Prestigious Postdoctoral Award of the Nella & Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases in Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, or, Brain Sciences (Systems, Computational & Cognitive Neuroscience).

Further information can be found at:

Job Description

We are offering a three year project focusing on identification of new targets for neurodegenerative diseases. The position will be part of a large scale international consortium bringing together academia and industry, allowing the fellow exposure to diverse cutting edge techniques and science.  The major focus would be on assessing neuronal metabolism and bioelectrical activity in human IPSC disease models.

The position will require the deployment of variety of techniques such as: fluorescent high content microscopy, cellular respiration analysis molecular biology electrophysiology and more. 

Job requirements  

  • PhD degree from a leading institution
  • Good publication record
  • Previous hands on experience with induced pluripotent stem cells, preferably with neuronal cells
  • Expertise in mitochondria related assays (including sea horse) is significant advantage
  • Background in neurobiology

The work will be done in the pharmacology laboratory (Netanya, Israel). The fellow will have full access and support from a team of preclinical experts including cellular pharmacology, in vivo pharmacology, ADME, toxicology and all other industrial discovery and product development infrastructure and know-how.

Please apply at:

For more details contact Ianai Fishbein at 

Post-doctoralPhD, and lab manager positions (possibly part time) are available at Sharon Gilaie-Dotan's Visual Neuroscience Lab at Bar Ilan University.

A full time postdoctoral researcher position, a full PhD position, and a lab manager position (possibly part time) are available in Dr. Sharon Gilaie-Dotan's visual neuroscience lab (see ) at the School of Vision Science, Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. 

For the post-doc and PhD positions - the project involves exciting research about visual system organization using novel concepts and techniques (including MRI and fMRI research, deep nets, and more). We are looking for excellent candidates;  applicants with a sound background in fMRI/MRI research, with proven computational and programming skills are welcome to apply. Background in cognitive neuroscience, psychology, mathematics, computer science or engineering is required. Positions are already available from this summer (2018).

For applications - send an email to Dr. Sharon Gilaie-Dotan ( along with your CV. Letters of recommendation and possibly more documents will be requested at a later stage.   

For the lab manager position - please contact Dr. Sharon Gilaie-Dotan ( 

We are seeking for a highly motivated PhD student to carry out a research project aiming to study molecular mechanisms of memory formation. Toward that end, the successful applicant will utilize state-of-the-art molecular and cellular techniques and behavioral approaches such as optogenetic (e.g. Alapin et al., Cell Reports, 2018), neuronal calcium imaging using miniaturized fluorescence microscope and monitoring changes in dendritic spines morphology utilizing two-photon microscope. Lab website:

Interested candidates should send their CV and a brief statement of interests and experience to Prof. Raphael Lamprecht by August 10, 2018.

A full-time tenure-track faculty position in Neuroscience is available at the Sagol Department ofNeurobiology, University of Haifa, Israel( at the academic year of 2019-2020.Individuals with two or more years of postdoctoral experience and a strong publication record are encouraged to apply.

We are seeking candidates who apply innovative system,cellular,molecular and/or computational approaches to study mechanisms underlying behavior.Successful candidates are expected to engage in independent research funded by external competitive funding, in active instruction of graduate students as well as in academic teaching.

Applications will be accepted until October15, 2018.

Each application package must be sent to the Departmental Search Committee by email: and include the following items:

  • A cover letter
  • A full resume including list of publications
  • Research statement
  • Teaching statement

In addition, 3 recommendation letters should be addressed and sent directly tothe Departmental Search Committee.

We are looking for:

  • Extensive hands on experience with intracellular patch-clamp recordings
  • Good theoretical understanding of different electrophysiology assays
  • Publication record in the field (at least one paper)
  • PhD and or postdoc from a leading institute is a major plus
  • Experience with cell/molecular biology also a plus

The successful candidate should be an independent and motivated team player  

The position is scientifically challenging and is part of an effort to develop new original (not generic) drugs in the neurology field

For applications please send your CV and a SHORT cover letter to Ianai Fishbein at

The visual perception lab, at the Psychology Department in Ben-Gurion University is looking for graduate or postdoc students who are interested in integrating  empirical work using sophisticated imaging tools and theoretical, computational work.

Requirements: curiosity, independence, background in computer programming, background in cognitive sciences/psychology/neuroscience, good computational skills. Prior knowledge in machine learning/network analyses and empirical experience would be advantageous.

Please send an email to Prof. Galia Avidan, along with a CV, university grades and an academic recommendation.