Postdoctoral position in Neurogenomics
A postdoctoral position in neurogenomics is available in the laboratory of Dr. Spiegel in the Department of Neurobiology at the Weizmann Institute of Science. The Spiegel Lab takes a multidisciplinary approach to decipher the molecular basis and the function of homeostatic plasticity in neural circuits. We are looking for a highly motivated and collaborative candidate to join our young and dynamic team.
Description: The research associated with this position will focus on cell-type-specific regulatory regions in the genome of inhibitory neurons in the cortex and the role of these non-coding genomic regions in regulating synaptic connectivity and circuit homeostasis. The research will make extensive use of various mouse models and will include sophisticated approaches for studying non-coding genomic regions in neuronal subtypes in the brain. The ideal candidate has a strong background in the generation and/or analysis of high throughput gene expression and genomics data (e.g. RNA- and/or ChIP-Seq) and is able to develop, execute and analyze state-of-the-art genomic experiments. Experience with primary neuronal cultures and/or with work with mice is preferable. We are seeking applications from researchers who hold a Ph.D.-level degree and that have programming skills (MatLab and/or R). The communication language is English.
To apply: Applicants are invited to send a cover letter, CV and the names of three references with contact information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Open position for PhD/Postdoc in the lab. of Prof. Hamutal Slovin
Topic: Neuronal mechanisms of visual processing and perception in the visual cortex of behaving animals.
Techniqiues: Optical imaging, extracellular recordings, optogenetics and optostimulayion.
Please send contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postdoctoral fellow in clinical/cognitive neuroscience
A two-year postdoctoral position in clinical/cognitive neuroscience is available in the Department of Psychology at the University of Haifa. The postdoc will be supervised by Dr. Roee Admon and Dr. Tomer Shechner on two major projects. The first project examines the association between brain functioning of anxious youth during fear learning and cognitive behavioral treatment for anxiety. This research project includes designing an fMRI task, recruiting anxious youth, collecting and analyzing fMRI data, and writing the results in peer-reviewed publications. The second project will focus on analyzing an existing data set from a large sample of a diverse psychopathological population. For this project, the postdoc will have the opportunity to conduct high-end neuroimaging analyses.
We are looking for candidates who have experience in human neuroimaging research, preferably fMRI. More importantly, we are seeking candidates who are passionate and committed to clinical and neuroimaging research.
The position is for two years starting May-Sep 2017. Following a positive evaluation, the appointment could be extended for a third year.
Applications should be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and should include a CV, the names of 2 references, and the expected date of availability.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at the Dept. of Psychology, University of Haifa
We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow to work on an Israel Science Foundation (ISF)-funded grant focused on individual differences in structural and functional hemispheric asymmetries, and involves pharmacological manipulations, behavioral measures, and brain imaging (structural and functional MRI) investigations.
The position is funded for 2 years (with the possibility of extension for a third year). Starting date is flexible, the position is available immediately.
Candidates should have, or be about to receive, a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology or a related field and should have experience in cognitive neuroscience methods, including fMRI data collection, analysis and interpretation, and strong programming skills.
To apply, please send a cover letter (including expected date of availability, C.V and the names of three individuals who could provide references if required, to Prof. Rachel Tomer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Research position (student or a researcher)
We are seeking highly motivated students or researchers for a research position. Background in neuroscience and strong data analysis abilities are required.
Our lab focuses on the sensory systems, in particular the olfactory system. We are utilizing the recently developed exciting method of optogenetics together with large scale multiunit recordings and behavioral assays. We are interested in how neurons encode and decode information and how information is represented in successive brain regions. We are also trying to build a bio-electric nose that will enable the detection of any odor a mouse can detect.
Please send your CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
דרוש/ה מנהל מעבדה
האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
הפקולטה לרפואה- המכון למחקר רפואי ישראל- קנדה, המחלקה לנוירוביולוגיה רפואית
דרוש/ה מנהל מעבדה
תיאור התפקיד:
סיוע בביצוע פרויקטים מחקריים בנוירוביולוגיה.סיוע בניהול השוטף של המעבדה ובכלל זה ניהול מלאי וביצוע הזמנות ציוד.הדרכת סטודנטים לתארים מתקדמים במעבדה.יישום והטמעה של טכנולוגיות חדשות במעבדה.מטלות נוספות בהתאם להנחיות הממונה.
דרישות התפקיד:
תואר שני/ דוקטור במדעי החיים/רפואה או כימיה או פיסיקה.עבודה עם בע"ח.נסיון באלקטרופיסיולוגיה - יתרון.נסיון במיקרוסקופיה פלורסצנטית - יתרון.שליטה מלאה בישומי office ואינטרנט.ידיעת השפה העברית על בוריה ואנגלית ברמה טובה/ טובה מאוד.יכולות גבוהות של ארגון וסדר, יכולת עבודה בצוות ויחסי אנוש טובים.
קורות חיים יש להגיש לדני רוקני: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
עמית מחקר לניהול מעבדה פעילה
האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, מרכז אדמונד ולילי ספרא למדעי המוח
עמית מחקר לניהול מעבדה פעילה
תיאור התפקיד:
אחריות על פעילות מחקרית במעבדת פרופ׳ עדי מזרחי (נוירוביולוגיה) ובכלל זה:
· ניהול וביצוע של פרוייקט מחקר.
· הנחיית תלמידים לתארים מתקדמים.
· אחריות על תחום הבטיחות במעבדה.
· הפעלה ואחזקה שוטפת של ציוד מיקרוסקופי מתקדם.
· השתתפות פעילה בכתיבת דוחות מחקר וכתיבת מאמרים אקדמיים.
· מטלות נוספות לפי הנחיות הממונים.
דרישות התפקיד:
מדען/ית בעל/ת תואר PHD במדעי הטבע (ביולוגיה, פיזיקה, כימיה).
ניסיון מוכח בעבודה במעבדות מחקר.
שליטה בשפות תכנות- יתרון.
ניסיון באופטיקה ו/או שיטות הדמייה - יתרון.
ניסיון באלקטרופיזיולוגיה - יתרון.
יכולת עבודה עצמאית, יצירתיות, יחסי אנוש טובים, אחריות.
היקף: משרה מלאה.
העסקה בדרוג חוקר נלווה.
המועמדים יתבקשו להגיע לראיון אישי.
יש לשלוח קורות חיים ותעודות המעידות לדוא"ל:
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יש לציין "עמית מחקר" בנושא הדוא"ל
We are looking for scientists for a post-doc position who want to achieve a breakthrough!!
Ophthalmic Engineering and Sciences Lab, Bar Ilan University
Recruiting Scientists with a PhD for an Interdisciplinary breakthrough research project in the field of retinal prosthesis
Experience in Electrophysiology is a must.
The research will be funded for 4 years through several research funds.
Scientists should have qualifications in PhD in the field of electrophysiology – MEA, Patch clamp, and calcium imaging
We are looking for dedicated, hard-working scientists, with track-record publication in high impact journals, who wish to achieve a scientific breakthrough.
Successful applicants will receive a good salary, and will have an excellent opportunity to do outstanding scientific research while collaborating with leading scientists around the world.
The lab is fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for electrophysiology from the retina to the visual cortex, VSDI, retinal imaging, a stem cell culture facility, and surgical suites.
Please send your CV with contact details to Dr. Yossi Mandel
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Mobile- 053-3323465