Abstract Submission is available only after registering to the meeting.

Deadline for Abstract Submission - September 5th , 2022

Abstract Submission Fee - 120 NIS paid by a separate payment for each submitted abstract.

Receipts are automatically sent to your mail within 24 hours after payment.

You may submit up to three abstracts using your Registration Form.

It is possible to designate a different presenter for each abstract, but please note: each Presenting Author is entitled to present only one abstract in the meeting.

There are 22subjects (see list at the end) for you to mark in which one your abstract fits the best.
Please note that the "Field of Research" stage was skipped. However, in the abstract submission process, you will still be asked to select the "Field of Research", so just leave the text "abstracts 2021" as is in the box on the right side and proceed with your submission as instructed.

Key words - please choose up to 4 key words that best describe the research you want to present

Oral /Poster presentation

You can choose your preference of presentation – oral or poster, but the final decision will be made by the organizing committee.

We will do our best to respond to the requests but it is not possible to commit to accepting all requests for oral presentations.

Please note: Preference in choice for oral presentation will be given:

1. To abstracts relating to well-developed research projects.

2. Please note that only one representative from each laboratory may lecture in each symposium.

Submitting students/postdocs will be requested to indicate with which laboratory they are associated. .

If you are not selected for an oral presentation, you will be asked to present a poster. These posters will be included in the posters competition.

In addition, oral talk presenters may request to also present their study as a poster. These posters will not be included in the posters competition.

Poster Board

Before printing your poster please note that the size of the Poster Board is 90cm x 200cm

ideal poster size will be 80cmX150cm
Each abstract has four parts: Title, Authors, Affiliation and Body of Abstract.


Please use regular letters (only where required by definition you can use Caps).

Up to 200 characters (counting spaces) are allowed for the title. The text box automatically limits the number of characters so do not paste more than 200 characters as no pasting will be performed.

Do not include symbols in the title, spell them out (e.g. beta, sigma etc.). You can use symbols in the body of the abstract (see below).

Authors and affiliation:

When filling out the authors names specify Last name followed by the initial(s) of first name(s) e.g. Cohen A. You may use up to 12 authors where each may have 4 different affiliations.

Use up to 100 characters (counting spaces) per affiliation. Do not paste more than 100 characters as the text box automatically limits the number of characters so no pasting will be performed

Presenting Author
During the abstract submission process check the radial button for Presenting Author. Presenting Author's name will appear in the final abstract format with an underline: For instance, if Cohen A. is presenting then it will appear as e.g.: Cohen A., Levy B. and Israel C.

Corresponding Author
The corresponding author should check the radial button adjacent to Corresponding. It will be followed by an asterisk e.g.: Levy B.*. If the corresponding author is also the presenter then it will appear as Levy B.*

Body of abstract:

We would suggest to write the body of the abstract in the following sequence: Background, Results and Conclusions. (Methods are not essential for the abstract). Each part should be preceded by a bold and underlined subtitle e.g. Background:, Results:, Conclusions:. All together up to 2000 characters (including spaces) are allowed for the text body of the abstract.

  • You may cut and paste the body of the abstract from a Word document.
  • Use the Tool Bar at the top of the website text window to re-enter special characters such as Greek letters, Math signs etc.
  • Do not indent or style the text.
  • Do not paste more than 2000 characters as no pasting will be performed.
  • Do not include graphs or pictures in the abstract.
  • Please do not add any paragraph marks or indenta and no "styling" please.

Correcting the submitted abstract is possible from "Abstract Submission" by clicking on the "Edit" button at the top right side until November 15, 2021

At the bottom of the abstract a short phrase may be added for Support/Acknowledgment: Up to 100 characters (including spaces) are allowed.

List of Subjects:

Disease models
learning and memory
models and theory
neural system
new technics
Psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders
Reward system
Sensory systems
Social models and mechanisms
Translational neuroscience
motor systems
neural coding
Neurodegenerative disorders and injury
Plasticity mechanisms
Sensory systems
Coding and decision making
Cortical and hippocampal circuits in Navigation